George and Greg have been creating and drawing since they were two years old. Their dad put a pencil and ball in their hand and it’s no wonder still today that their passions are sports and art. Whether it’s with a pen, pencil, paint brush, etch a sketch or on a t shirt GV loves to create. Their dad with an advertising background always stressed the importance of a good idea and composition and put a huge emphasis on layout and design. They want every work of art to be their best with an attention to detail that captures the life and likeness in each piece. Creating artwork for private commissions, athletes, sports teams and companies their prints and originals have become collectibles for people across the country.

T shirts have become another canvas for them to showcase their artwork and creativity. Not only is it fresh and different than anything else out there it also creates great content - it’s not just a t shirt it becomes a whole campaign. Whether it is a painting, logo, creative campaign or t shirt design GV has always relied on their God given talents to take their artwork to another level and separate them from the competition to help launch and grow brands.


Their artwork has been seen throughout the world and has been featured in galleries and museums across the country.


From homes and offices to stadiums and ball parks to one of the largest billboards in the country GV’s artworkhas become sought after by people, major corporations and companies to create original artwork and murals.


George was commissioned by Sherwin Williams to create a piece of artwork that was made into a billboard showcasing Cleveland landmarks. It was the 5th largest billboard in the country, right in the heart of downtown Cleveland. It’s where the famous Nike LeBron billboard once hung.

Lebron's i promise school

George was asked to create a mural that could serve as an inspiration for students. It has become a focal point for the school and backdrop for media appearances. The first mural showcases Lebron and iconic and historic figures that have influenced his life. The mural was such a hit they asked George to create a second mural featuring prominent and inspirational women to the school.


George was asked to create two murals that represent the right and left brain that leads you into the new innovation center at St. Edward High School. George wanted to incorporate fun ways to show both the creative side and analytical side of the human brain. Each time you look at it George wanted there to be fun and new things to find and be a learning tool of things to discover as you walk into the classrooms there.

Lincoln electric

Lincoln Electric commissioned George to create a mural depicting and featuring what makes them unique and all the things that Lincoln Electric has has helped make and build in and throughout Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. The mural completely transforms the space into a great room to host guests from around the world.


George was asked to create a mural for St. Edward High School’s new 15,000-square foot expansion. The centerpiece of the new commons is an 18 foot mural by George that depicts the history of the Holy Cross and St. Edward High School. The mural highlights the important elements of the school as well as their commitment to developing the hearts and minds of their students.